23 January 2007

Thirst for "publi-shity"

...κ εκεί που χαρούμενη έψαχνα στο ίντερνετ τι θα κάνω στο Παρίσι, πού θα πάω κ τι καιρό θα κάνει, έπεσα πάνω στο Paris-Live! Coooooool, I thought...
Μέχρι που είδα καλύτερα περί τίνος πρόκειται... WTF???!!! WebCams everywhere!!!
Κ άντε να σε πιστέψει μετά όταν θα λες "μα... μωρό μου... εγώ για business πήγα στο Παρίσι!" ...

(Photo: www.art.co.uk, Moving eyes: wanderling.tripod.com, both last accessed 23-01-2007)

22 January 2007

The very last link...

You're about to visit Internet's last page...
Be prepared for what you are going to face...

The End

20 January 2007

Around the world in 9 slides

Pimp-My-Profile.com - Build a Slideshow

A review on "Ugly Betties"... At least they have absolutely nothing in common - no carbon used!!!

The fastest one to match faces with names winz a priiiiize!!!

List of "Ugly Bettiez"

Alexandra Neldel
Ana Maria Orozco
Vanessa Acosta
Ageliki Daliani (nahhhh...this one's easy)
America Ferrera
Ruth Núñez
Nelly Uvarova
Angelica Vale
Mona Singh

(Sorry PhotoShop users... I need PS tutorials to use it myself, for a better outcome... That's the best I could do...)

18 January 2007

Did I make your day?!

Nice try κ με πρωτοβουλία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης κ με forum σε 5 γλώσσες! Καλό, ε?
Εμένα πάντως κάτι λίγες τύψεις με έπιασαν, κ όσο διάβαζα το site δεν κάπνισα - cross my heart ;) !!! Τσιμπολογούσα, όμως, κάτι cookies με σοκολάτα... Κακό, ε?

16 January 2007

Wanda the Fish

Wanda said:
It is right that he too should have his little chronicle, his memories,
his reason, and be able to recognize the good in the bad, the bad in the
worst, and so grow gently old all down the unchanging days and die one
day like any other day, only shorter.
-- Samuel Beckett, "Malone Dies"

[Quote of the day]

1st Post as an Ubuntu User!

Hi aaaaaaaaall!!!
That's my 1st post as an ubuntu user! Haven't got anyting specific to say... Just that I got sick... I mean my pc had a virus (or many of 'em)... So...I decided to get rid of my windows and work from now on with Linux for human beings! :p
Good luck to me... :s
I guess it's gonna take me some time to get used to it, but after all I'll give it a shot...

Nightdre@meeeeeeeeeeeeer... I did it!!! I took the big step!

Dio I'm not gonna thnq yet... Let the trial period end, in the first place :p

15 January 2007

"Defeminization & Masculinization"

Last night (huuuum...actually it was 6 o' clock this morning) I was studying Professor Campbell's lecture notes about "Sexual Differentiation"... I couldn't understand a single thing, so I decided to do some research in the internet (hell of a tool huh? I wonder how we could even cope without it). After a bit a came across Wikipedia's topic "Sexual Differentiation" and I couldn't stop scrolling down and reading...that was hell of a revelation!!!

As a matter of fact, becoming a male or a female is not as simple as I so far thought (and most of us still think)... Having XX(♀) or XY(♂) chromosomes in our genome is not enough! (although Autosomal and Genosomal chromosomes is basic knowledge, you can visit Wikipedia for a quick review).

A zygote (ie a fertilized egg, resulting from the fusion of an oocyte with a sperm) is undifferentiated during the early stages of its life. As a matter of fact, it is just a spherical mass of cells. During these first weeks of life, the fetus has no anatomical morphology nor sex specific hormones (like testosterone or oestradiol), because blood vessels are not yet developed for the hormones to circulate in the bloodstream. Only karyotype screening can distinguish the male from the female.

But even so, the are males with XXY, XXXY or even XX genotype and females with XXY genotype (that usually have specific behavioural activity like elevated criminal behaviour). What happens in that case? There is a specific gene, the SRY, located on the short arm of the Y chromosome, encoding the SRY protein (or else TDF = Testes Determining Factor). TDF's job is to induce differentiation of cells (specific cells of the undifferentiated cell mass) into testes. Other genes (that encode for specific proteins/factors/hormones) are also responsible for the formation of male gonads (testes). Though, there are no genes or hormones that induce formation of female gonads (ovaries).

So...to produce a fully reproductively functional male of typical morphology and behaviour, two processes are needed: Defeminization (suppression of female typical morphology) and Masculinization (production of male typical morphology)!

To sum up... you "able-bodied" guys are soooooo lucky! Even one small mutation in one of the genes that are responsible for the development of your "thingies", could simply turn you into females, as female is the default developmental pathway during embryogenesis!!!

(Photos: http://www.istockphoto.com/index.php, last accessed 15-1-2007 & http://www.channel4.com/index.html?hpos=logo, last accessed 15-1-2007)

13 January 2007

Βραδέτο... Το μπαλκόνι του Ζαγορίου!

Ομολογώ ό,τι στο χωριό μου είχα να πατήσω το πόδι περίπου 15 χρόνια... Παρόλο που όσο ήμουν μικρότερη (huuuuuum...μέχρι Γυμνάσιο) πήγαινα κάθε καλοκαίρι με τις ξαδέρφες μου για πολλές ημέρες κ με τον παππού μου κάναμε εξερευνήσεις σε δασάκια, στα γύρω βουνά κ σε κοιλάδες...
Επίσης, γνώριζα την ύπαρξη ενός site για το εν λόγω χωριό αρκετό καιρό τώρα, αλλά δεν είχα μπει στι διαδικασία να "σερφάρω"... Μόλις σήμερα έκανα την κίνηση κ ομολογώ εξεπλάγην! Αρκετά οργανωμένο site, με πλούσιο φωτογραφικό υλικό από εκείνη κ τις γύρω περιοχές κ πληροφορίες για την τοποθεσία.
Enjoy the "tour"! Linkaki στα Featured linkz!

(Photo από το site www.vradeto.gr)

10 January 2007


Goal4Replay.net COMMENT
"Στο 44' με τη σέντρα μετά το 1-0, οι Γιαννιώτες έκλεψαν την μπάλα, έγινε ωραία κάθετη μπαλιά για τον Σαϊτιώτη και αυτός βρέθηκε απέναντι από τον Αμπάρη και τον πλάσαρε ιδανικά."


7 January 2007

Getting to know the...world(?)

Once more the one to blame is boredom...
Boredom forced me to create this space of liberate (?!) thoughts and put me into this endless concern to keep my blog decent and
And that stupid blonde's joke was to blame, too... It made me wonder around in other people's blogs... and all of a sudden I found myself sneaking and intercepting thoughts 'n' ideas 'n' all this work, but that was never enough... I kept on doing it almost every day, till one day I came across this topic "
Σταματήστε το ουέμπ να κατέβω"... And what was revealed, was a shock to me... Thoughts kept crossing my mind like a torrent...
When I posted the first words on my blog, I truly thought that all about blogging was fooling around, posting simple every-day stuff, sharing ideas in a simple tongue and creating a cute 'n' cozy little world full of memories in this chaos... But I guess I've been proved wrong...

Are things more serious in the first place? This so called "blog-sphere" looks like a huge net to me; which kinda frightens me, I h
ave to admit... Maybe it's just the unknown... Maybe it's the feeling I've got, after the first shock, that blogging had turned into a competition or even a ruthless and cold-blooded race... I really feel small to get the meaning or even better the distinction between the "qualified blogger" and the "amateur blogger"...
Eventually, is blogging genuine and truly liberate?
Or the innocence ha
s gone for ever, even when hiding behind the cover of a keyboard and a screen?

{I need to apologize if the the whole text might seem inconsistent... It's just that I feel confused myself...}

1 January 2007

HaApPy NeW YeAr!!!

Χρόνια Πολλά & Καλή Χρονιά!

Εύχομαι σε όλους το 2007 να είναι μια χρονιά γεμάτη υγεία, ευτυχία, πολλές επιτυχίες (άντε, να παίρνουμε σιγά-σιγά πτυχία κ μεταπτυχιακά να πιάσουμε καμιά δουλειά επιτέλους), λίγη περισσότερη ανθρωπιά & πάνω απ' όλα όμορφες αναμνήσεις!!!