22 December 2006

Συνήθως όταν πλησιάζει το τέλος του χρόνου με πιάνει μια "καταστροφική αυτοκριτική μανία"... Κ μάλλον δεν είμαι η μόνη που το παθαίνει αυτό... Τέτοιες μέρες δεν είναι που κάνουν θραύση στα φαρμακεία οι αντικαταθλιπικές καραμέλες? (Get some urself! Its gooooood-trust me!)
Well... αν η αυτοκριτική γινόταν επί καθημερινής βάσεως (πώς θυμόμαστε να σιχτιρίσουμε στο δρόμο, ένα πράμα...), δε θα μας έπεφτε τόσο βαρύ χρονιάρες μέρες...

Κ φτάνει η στιγμή που όλοι ξεκινάνε τα ευχετήρια... "Καλά Χριστούγεννα με Υγεία κ Χαρά, Χρόνια Πολλά, Ευτυχισμένο κ Δημιουργικό το 200τάδε...
Μήπως το "κλειδί" στην όλη υπόθεση είναι η λέξη "δημιουργικό" κ "δημιουργία"...?
I Googled it and voila some of the stuff...
"make; bringing into existence; pursue an activity; invest; create by artistic means; produce" (Source: http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn, Last accessed 22-12-2006).
"The term origin belief refers to stories and explanations which describe the beginnings of humanity, earth, life, and the universe. Origins beliefs commonly refer to creation myths —mytho-religious stories which explain the beginnings of the universe as a deliberate act of "creation" by a supreme being. ..."
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create, Last accessed 22-12-2006)
Yeah yeah...right...δεν εννοώ να δημιουργήσουμε ένα νέο κόσμο (αν κ θα ήταν ευχής έργο...), αλλά στο μικρόκοσμό μας μπορούμε να "δημιουργούμε εξελίξεις"...

Είναι η αγαπημένη μου λέξη...Ίσως γιατί στο τέλος της μέρας ό,τι έχουμε δημιουργήσει είναι αυτό που μένει κ ό,τι δεν καταφέραμε να δημιουργήσουμε μας δίνει σκοπό για την επόμενη...

21 December 2006

Agapiti emmanouela...

Epeidi kali i kylie, alla.... epeidi panta 7 ginaikes einai kaliteres apo 1 here is my response ... Pussy_cat Dolls featuring Carmen Electra.
Sintrofia afierwmeno se olous!!!! :)))))))

17 December 2006


Duuuuuuuuuuude, σε παραδέχομαι!!! Άψογο video! Καλά ρε, έκατσες να το κάνεις upload στο UTube αποκλειστικά για μένα???!!! Μα ποιος είσαι anyway...? Ο Santa-Baby?
Κ δε με λες... εντός μιας εβδομάδας θα έχω κ ό,τι άλλο ζητήσω :))) ???
Λοιπόν... θέλωωω... Let me think and make a list...
Till then enjoy X-Mas spirit!

(((Ειδικά αφιερωμένο Jimmάκο!!!)))

efi thodi on para pente!

Gia na mathete kiria emmanouela na mi mas prokaleitai giati thimwnoume!!! By the way is my upload on youtube.

16 December 2006


I sooooooooooo much miss Nott'm...
I've kinda freaked out already... snif-snif...

14 December 2006

Regina Spektor - Fidelity

I know I know blogging is not just video posting, and i havent just discovered youtube. Its just that im so STUCK in that song and i love the clip, and her face, and her voice..
I got lost in the sounds
I hear in my mind
All these voices
I hear in my mind all these words
I hear in my mind all this music

And it breaks my hea- hea- hea- hea- heaaaaaaaart :D

13 December 2006

leventis 3d animation

the tile speaks of itself

11 December 2006

Oh-My-Gooooooooooood...(Quoted Jannis-style)

Καλέ...δεν πρόλαβα να πατήσω το πόδι μου Ελλάδα, πρέπει να πάθω έμφραγμα? χαχαχαχαχα
Αν μου βρεις και το απόσπασμα από "Παρά 5" και το κάνεις post... εεεεεεεεε... θα σου στείλω εκεί στο Αμέρικα μελομακάρονο φτιαγμένο με τα χεράκια μου!!!
Εγώ, πάντως, παραδοσιακά ψηφίζω rock! 1-0


10 December 2006

Efi goes international

Vote now!!!!!
Rock or international????

The wildcat

Psifiste to kalitero!!!
Rock i international?

7 December 2006

First Images of a New Life...! Ain't it touching?

All women treasure up the first ultrasound photo of their babies... It looks like that

(Source: http://fib
ers.destinyslobster.com/Meet/Baby/babybrag.htm, last accessed 7-12-2006)

I may be a little luckier... I'm gonna treasure up these photos of "my" first babies, created with the technique of in vitro fertilization (IVF) at the South Laboratory of Sutton Bonnington, Nottingham, UK.
The creator was... myself! Even though these little cute babies-to-be are bovine blastocysts, I must admit I am a very proud "mother", 'coz they survived under contrary circumstances till day 8 after fertilization!
{Although they probably end up in some kind of slaughter-house or even worse in someone's stomach,
it is still touching to close-up follow the miracle of life...}

(Photographer: Emmanouela Mitsi / South Laboratory, Sutton Bonnington, Nottingham, UK 12/7/2006)

*Special thnx to
Anisa Elati for assigning her Praktica DCZ 5.3 camera for the purposes of this photographing.

6 December 2006

Nightmare (before) Christmas...?

g -few days more to go!
c -go where...?
g -what? "zero ground"? com'ooooon - wake up!
c -all ruins n remains... all this misery and thinkin' about life/who I am/what I do/what's the purpose and point of all these... I feel like empty...
g -com'ooooon cheer up! come upstairs! d's definitely gonna make ur day! thinks there's sm1 in the flat! a strange sm1, who's purposes are dark n evil! he's wandering in the kitchen... d can hear him playing with the knives! naaaaaaaaah... get over it! that was just a (sick?) joke! u know what they say; 1 in 3 suffers of mental derangement... "defrag" urself before u end up in acme labs!
c -lol... but I still feel down...
g -then get up/not down/and get twisted all around! oh!n make ur parents proud!
u have to!
c -I need some time to set my mind...
g -1
g -2
g -3
g -4
g -5
g -6
g -7
g -8
g -9
g -10
g -... time's up! get into the mood -I'm telling u; u have to!!!
c -u know what? I'll do it; but not because I have to... I'll do it coz I deserve it! I won't let them kill that kid-no!!! nor fill my life with nightmares!!! coz in the end life's a playground and all the rest... is just... MIND GAMES...

3 December 2006

(Another) Blonde Joke...

...Ως πού θα πάει αυτή η "βαλίτσα"? οεο?
Anyway, διαβάστε το στο blog Deceiver's Spot!

Free Blondes (...and all the others)!

(... /*but you're more than welcome to post your comments!*/ )

1 December 2006

Even once a year is better than nothing...

Support World AIDS Day
You know how sensitive I am when it comes to these kinds of topics...
Καλά τα κορδελάκια και τα κεριά εις μνήμην, αλλά δε φτάνουν...
Η ενημέρωση/πληροφόρηση και η αφύπνιση (κάθε είδους - if interested request explanations)
μπορούν να κάνουν τη διαφορά...

AIDS Day... yeah right

Sunaisthimatiki egines me to pou mpike o Dekemvris.
Pantws an paratiriseis einai les k mono otan plisiazoun xroniares meres ksafnika ksupnaei o kosmos, vlepei ti dustuxia gurw tou kai k deixnei sumpatheia sto sunan8rwpo tou.
Otan fugoun oi giortes pali tha gurisoume stin kathimerinotita mas, tha ksexasoume ton pono twn allwn, tha ksanaginoume eautakides k to AIDS opws kai alles arrwsties tha sunexisoun na uparxoun.
We're just an excuse to be called people!

PS. pernaw apo fasi katastrofologias... ola mou ftaine... mi dinete simasia!

December 1st